UNCHARTED: Leverage Your Expertise to Grow Profitable Businesses

UNCHARTED: Leverage Your Expertise to Grow Profitable Businesses

Starting the conversation: The depth of your knowledge creates opportunity. The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know, and curiosity becomes necessary. When asking questions like: what’s behind this process, or what new findings for our industry can help us evolve and provide a modern solution, or what are we doing that […]

Audio Podcast
event October 31, 2024
schedule 46:03
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Why Compassion and Boundaries Matter For High-Performing Teams

Starting the conversation: Your commitment to supporting your team is more complex than ever before. The ability to help others move through tough situations comes from knowing your own boundaries and the boundaries around the way your company completes work. Dr. Cassandra LeClaire, Communication Consultant, talks about how compassion and boundaries work together to create […]

Audio Podcast
event October 27, 2022
schedule 36:15
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Talk About and Share Your Priorities

Prioritizing is a skill with several steps. This is the first in a series of articles that will break down and explore the importance of each step. When we practice conscious prioritization, we see more – hear more – and make better decisions.

Growth Strategy

Growth Strategy and Achievement (LIVE)

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation… What are key indicators that we are off track toward achieving growth objectives? Host: Jess Dewell Guest: Chuck Blakeman […]

VBB_204 The Risk of NOT

The Risk of NOT Taking the Next Step

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation… What are the potential risks versus possible rewards – and what is the downside – of not making the […]

people meeting communication

The Spectrum of Character Traits: Genuine Connection

Greg Jameson invited me to join him on his podcast, 20 Minutes of Influence. Our conversation on influence covered two areas: first, the sales side – specifically, getting another person to take action based on what we say or do or suggest; and second, three soft skills necessary to have influence. On the latter topic, […]