Can We Live With [Poor] Business Decisions

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation… When a business decision fails, can we live with it (and what do we do next)? Host: Jessica Dewell […]

leadership, decision making, problem solving

LEAD Model for Better-Decision Making and Problem-Solving

Owning a business, running a department, doing the best we can is a constant challenge. Not that our pants are on fire all the time, but that there is always something that diverts our attention, demands our time, and competes with the activities that are the main and best use of our time. Every business […]

7 Ways to Lead When you Don’t have the Answers

Leading is much more than picking up the slack, motivating or team building. It’s also about keeping the mission (of your role, your team, your department … your company) front and center. The thing is, there are no concrete steps to take that are the same for every situation. Ambiguity is a phenomenon all company […]