Intentional Growth (LIVE)

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the Conversation: Do your employees feel less important than your customers? How does a company add value and grow putting intention […]

Intentional Growth (LIVE)

Fostering an engaged employee experience, from job posting to hiring to adding value to the work they (and you) do … is harder than you

Audio Podcast
event July 30, 2019
schedule 52:12
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Understand Your Culture

Our actions show what we prioritize. The perception of those priorities add to, or take away from, your organization’s culture.

Audio Podcast
event July 26, 2019
schedule 49:27
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Productivity, Time, and More

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the Conversation: How do ensure you work time is productive day to day? Host: Jessica Dewell Guest: Joe Workman What You Will Hear: […]

Productivity, Time, and More

With so many distractions and opportunities, focus can be difficult. What you do, the habits you cultivate, reinforce your ability to achieve your goals. Jess Dewell, mentor to executives and founders, discusses productivity, time, and more with guest Joe Workman, technology entrepreneur.

Audio Podcast
event July 19, 2019
schedule 53:28
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Death of the Salesman

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the Conversation: How are some of the fastest growing software companies building their business without salespeople? Host: Jess Dewell Guest: Greg Dickinson What […]

Death of the Salesman (LIVE)

Technology changes at an incredible rate, yet many processes used to introduce people to your software haven’t changed at the same rate. The way you

Audio Podcast
event July 16, 2019
schedule 55:56
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Effective Delivery Models

Systems, processes, and results, oh my! We create systems and processes for our workflow, yet we don’t always connect that important work to how we

Audio Podcast
event July 12, 2019
schedule 48:37
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Effective Delivery Models

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation: How effective is your organization’s delivery model? Host: Jessica Dewell Co-host: Zachary Beach What You Will Hear: Know what your goal […]

What’s Right Doesn’t Have To Be Hard (LIVE)

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the Conversation: How hard is it to create win-win situations? Host: Jess Dewell Co-host: Dr. Marlene Bizub What You Will Hear: […]

What’s Right Doesn’t Have To Be Hard (LIVE)

There are times we make decisions that impact those around us. It is important to remember that people not involved in the decision-making process are impacted, too. Win-win situations can be elusive, especially when we don’t include key elements into the way we think. How hard is it to create win-win situations? Tags: equity work, […]

Audio Podcast
event July 5, 2019
schedule 50:44
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Necessary Leadership Characteristics

It’s easy to look at others and critique their leadership style. It’s harder to look objectively at that characteristic in ourselves. In this program we will discuss important characteristics of leaders and how

Audio Podcast
event June 21, 2019
schedule 51:34
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Necessary Leadership Characteristics

Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the Conversation: What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Host: Jessica Dewell Co-host: Patti Haus What You Will Hear: […]