Building Company Culture

Top Tips for Building a Thriving Company Culture

Company culture. It is silent, not-squeaky, and easy to forget. However, culture is where capacity is built, so we must fight for it.

That capacity is where creativity, innovation, and the ability to speak up with good intentions happen.

So, what do you think is the most important characteristic of strong business culture?

Is it about:

  • Clear Vision
  • Open Communication
  • Diversity
  • Reimagine Work

In reality, company culture is more than just one thing, but rather a combination of multiple elements.

Culture is determined by the way we do work and connects every business function and person. Digging deep when results and outcomes are not as expected requires a willingness to notice what’s present that creates undesirable results. This information will be what we use to change and includes acknowledging and unlearning assumptions.

Start where you are and observe what is happening within the business to understand what decisions you need to make to shift culture. It takes time to understand how each role contributes to something larger: your company’s mission.


“Culture is the key that unlocks human potential, that nurtures success replenishment when it’s aligned and harmonized with growth potential such a need for creating a great culture to nourish growth in people.” Grace Chang, Living Solutions Consultant


The best situation is to have people in the organization with goals, values, vision, and a life mission, that mirror what the organization has. So that everything is done synergistically and in alignment, and you understand what it is that people want out of that experience. If you can do that and have those conversations upfront, you’re bringing the right people on board. And then it’s always working with one another to grow. – Russ DennisCEO RD Dennis Enterprises, LLC 


“If the executives, the managers, the directors, the people who are running the organization or directing it, if they create a culture where people are open and friendly, or they embrace it, or inspire it or encourage it, then it trickles down to every level of the organization.” – Ron Goode, Instructional Design Professional at The National Credit Union Administration


“The context in communication is everything. Add to that respect as a necessary element to navigate differences, commit to improving messages, and you will add diversity and enrich your company.” – Diana Ballard, Business Development Consultant



“Culture is how we bring different skill sets to our company culture. One more thing, always be concise about expectations.” – Andrea Villeneuve, Owner SWD


“I’m a believer in having a clear vision of what you’re trying to achieve. I also believe communication is a lost characteristic in our current society of social media, emails, automated recordings, etc. Having that personal connection and available line of honest communication is, in my opinion, the true key to success, inspiration, and happiness.” – John Vogels, Founder & Executive Director Martyred Angels Foundation


“The unlearning part mostly disrupts mental models, which we got from somebody else, and is untested. Using living systems frameworks provides areas to develop questions but gives no answers, enabling us to be creative and live in every moment.” – Carol Sanford, Executive Producer at The Regenerative Business Summit


“Trust is about being able to focus on your purview and work together with others fully.” – Anthony (Tony) Minessale, Founder & CEO SignalWire


“We need an engaging, productive, positive workplace culture, not only to keep our people to buy-in, but also to be a magnet that attracts people. And I think that’s truly exciting because so few organizations have that reputation for having a brilliant, positive, productive culture.” – Steve Simpson, Director Keystone Management



“When we’re in our business, we look at culture differently from working on our business and thinking strategically. Moving between the forest and the trees is a critical piece of setting the culture, setting the essence, and developing the understanding that allows a company to have trust to be innovative and creative.” – Jess Dewell, Red Direction, Operations and Strategy


As additional reading material, I suggest the following articles:

Strong Business Culture is the Future of Work

The secret ingredients of successful organizational culture – By Tiago Krommendijk, TOPdesk

Positive company culture drives success — here’s how to create one while WFH – By Sagi Gidali, TNW

This Is What A Success Culture Looks Like – by Roy Osing, Hppy

Why You Need to Create a Fantastic Workplace Culture – by Donna Fuscaldo, Business News Daily


Still feel like you need a bit of help with some business direction on this topic? Then ACT to Plan by contacting me for a 30-Minute Unstuck Quick Consult. We’ll discuss your aims, where you are, and where you should be to move deliberately toward your team-building goals!

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