As a business owner, it’s difficult to do the right work AND guide your company toward its next big initiative.
With Red Direction Business Base Camp, learn how to implement and handle processes to meet your business’s specific needs and better understand your market.
Starting the conversation:
Mental sharpness is important to participate in and lead high-performance teams. Recognizing what resources are needed to build and grow a high-performance team requires clarity of purpose, navigating uncertainty, and being open to new ideas. To do this well, you must know exactly where you are operating – if it is 40%, ok. If it is 70%, ok. If it is 100%, ok. It is up to you to figure out what influenced your operating capacity and remove what rescues your energy while repeating what rejuvenates and maintains your wellness. This commitment to yourself ensures that you can tune in more quickly to unexpected behaviors and changes in processes.
Three of the many takeaways in this program are 1. your energy matters for your business success, 2. why high capacity is needed to navigate uncertainty, and 3. how to do less to achieve more results by having more intention. Jess Dewell talks with Sri Chellappa, President at, about how success only happens when you prioritize your health and personal performance.
Growth happens in sprints. Defining the beginning, middle, and end of a business growth sprint is necessary for the wellness of you and your team. Sri Chellappa, President at, shares with us how he has prioritized personal performance to lead a high-growth technology company.
Host: Jess Dewell
Guest: Sri Chellappa
What You Will Hear:
People – and their wellness – must be in the center of a business both those participating in the work and those receiving the result of the important work.
The ability to scale and grow comes from the democratization of resources allowing teams to do more with less capital investment.
Performance is based on your wellness and your reflection of what works to manage your own energy.
Don’t let the exception become the rule.
At, High-performing teams are made of high-performing individuals.
THE crucial element to growth is a clear purpose.
Have additional interests – like producing movies (see resources!)
Take time to fully understand what the priorities are and how to reduce competition for resources, time, and energy between them.
The ambiguity of running a business requires mental sharpness.
Additionally, for the Fast Track Your Business Today Uncut conversation:
The secret to geographically dispersed teams is to increase intentional communication.
Leadership priorities include being responsive to the team – to increase productivity and satisfaction.
Unusual behaviors are the clues to both problems AND opportunities.
Check in with your energy and your priorities, then ask: What can realistically get done?
Energy is required to get going, and it is necessary for progress.
It is BOLD to dedicate time to your wellness as a CEO to lead a growing company.
Get started and make a difference in your business with a Growth Framework Reset.
Sri Chelleppa CEO of and Movie Producer
Jess Dewell 00:00
Somehow I should have known that mud was also involved in all of your accomplishments.
Sri Chellappa 00:04
You’re getting dirty in the process, you’re moved to the next step, stop at the breath, and then you keep moving, you know?
Announcer 00:14
Welcome. This is the Bold Business Podcast. Your business has many directions it can travel. The one true direction of your company creates the journey for you to move toward a new, exciting level. We call this the Red Direction. In today’s program, we delve into one idea. The idea will support you as you work on ever-present situations, including how to stay competitive in a changing market, how to break through the business plateau, and how to anticipate the changing expectations of your stakeholders. Jess Dewell is your guide. Jess brings you a 20-year track record of business excellence, where strategy and operations overlap. Your Path comes from consistently working from the special place. Your unique True North. Now, here’s Jess.
Jess Dewell 01:02
So I must now introduce you to this person that I was just telling you about and giving you a little hint about Shree Capella is the president of engagingly. He is a multifaceted individual that is passionate about building highly engaged high-performance teams. And while that is his passion, it has uncovered and allowed engagingly, which is a people strategy software startup, that helps organizations build their teams, be realized, be put into practice be delivered to the world. Now, in addition to running high-performance teams in high-tech, high-growth companies, he also does feature films and documentaries, not just some seven, producing seven of these for Amazon Prime, NBC Universal, you name it, you’re gonna have to go look him up and find those maybe if we’re lucky, we’ll get them in the show notes. Now, I know we will, because I said it out loud tree. He’s also currently running a recording studio, and building teams, again, these high-performance teams, so that the budding indie artists in the St. Louis region have a place to go have a place to grow, have a place to connect, not only in the process part but also in the real-life part. Shree, welcome to the Bold Business Podcast.
Sri Chellappa 02:31
Well, thank you, Jess, it’s an absolute pleasure to join your podcast, and thank you for the wonderful introduction.
Jess Dewell 02:40
You are welcome. Okay, so I just want to start with all this connection, you know, not only are you multifaceted and have a lot of interest, it sounds like right, you make, I’m gonna say make movies. And I know that’s not quite right, you, you create video documentaries and video productions, you also are working with musicians, you also are creating high-performance teams, you also are in high tech. And in your bio, you were talking about the fact that the people is the core of all of those. When did you know that this was the path that you were going to be on in whatever work whatever hobby, whatever opportunity you undertook?
Sri Chellappa 03:17
Well, I wish I could tell you the aha moment, which is, you know, the moment you just realize that, Hey, that sounds interesting. Why don’t I try that. So you go there, and you start dabbling with it. And then before you know it, you’re deeply immersed in it, because your curiosity and your interest and your passion is ignited. And I think part of the reason is, I have, I guess, a really good work ethic in the sense that if I say I’m gonna do something, even if it is just to myself, I tried to do it, and I finish it. And when you finish it, you realize, you know, what, I could have done better. So I’m going to try it again and make it better. Right. So that’s essentially how you get dug into the mud, if you will, in some cases. And, and before, you know, and you’re running a marathon in the mud.
Jess Dewell 04:04
So I, I have somehow I should have known that mud was also involved in all of your accomplishments.
Sri Chellappa 04:12
Well, because you know, think about that. Think about the race stuff modeler, right? I mean, you’re, you’re, you’re fighting in any anything, whether you’re doing a startup or a software or making a movie. It’s not. It’s a very, you know, contact sport. It’s a very high touch, but it’s honestly physical in that sense, but in the brain and work. You’re constantly fighting battles and your winnings, smaller battles, bigger battles. It’s just the modern-day version, version of Moore’s hopefully, this is the version of wars we all can live with. You know, unfortunately, that’s not the case. But, you know, I think that’s the way I look at it, you know, and you’re, you’re, you’re getting dirty in the process. You’re, you’re trying to, you know, when and kind of move to the next step. You take a stab at it. Right, and then you keep moving, you know. And I think that’s the way I look at all these things. And it’s the same process across the board really.
Jess Dewell 05:10
And so what I hear you say, please correct me, if I’m making an assumption, here, I, I’m going to reflect back to you that one of the things that I’m taking away from what you’re saying is that this concept of high contact, whether it’s in front of a computer, whether it’s creating media, whether it’s engaging in co-creation of some kind, whether it’s personal desire, and achievement, all of those things with people at the center, being this concept of, you know, considering this idea of a high contact sport, is that everything that we have available today is actually just supposed to bring us closer and allow us to have more connection versus the other.
Sri Chellappa 05:53
Right? Exactly, exactly, we should be having more connections and the more connections, also, what I would say is, you know, you are also seeing democratization of resources to across the board, so you can actually do more. And that’s probably part of the problem that even you know, I guess I’ve gotten myself into is you can do more, with fewer resources, and things have gotten a lot more efficient. Whether it’s shooting a film, or recording a song or launching a new startup, whatever that is, right? Or you have your own media company, essentially. Right? Just so it’s the same thing, right? You couldn’t have done this 20 years ago, you would have to find it airtime on some am radio to do this. But now you can do this. Right? So this opens up more opportunities and curious humans that we are, we want to do those, you know, you want to do this, you want to do this, you want to do this because you never had these opportunities, you know, two years ago, 20 years ago. And now we do and unfortunately, it’s a blessing and a curse for some time.
Jess Dewell 06:53
Well, it is especially when you like so many things that are so diverse, I think we share that in common. Right? We share that in common. And I know you were talking about high-contact sports and running in the mud, you are a big believer in wellness and health. And so do you have a health and wellness regimen that you, you know, that that you have, like fallen into that really supports your workflow style in life?
Sri Chellappa 07:23
Yeah, and I won’t say I 100% adhere to it all the time. You know, it’s can we ever? Yeah, no. I’m not one of them.
Jess Dewell 07:32
So no, one of them either. That’s right. A little too rigid has its own issues. You’re right.
Sri Chellappa 07:36
Yeah. So every time you, you, you, you have a day where you feel like your husband in the cloud, but you’re just not able to focus, I look back and say, What did I do wrong the day before that the day before, which is what reflecting on my performance today. And I finally come to the conclusion that there are essentially three things and in that order, sleep, diet exercise. If you had to prioritize anything, I would say, sleep. And then diet and exercise. I tried to get all three of them done at the minimum on a daily basis, you know, you know, we have our indulgences in the last time I went to see the blues game. And unfortunately, we lost in the playoffs, but they still have, you know, this level shot anyway. You know, so I stayed up late, you know, till about 11:30 12, which is not my normal, I try to get to bed by 1030. So I did sacrifice a little bit on sleep this morning, which meant that I could not get time to work out this morning either. So I’m going to try to make up for that in the afternoon. And, you know, I’m gonna try to make sure I eat healthy tonight. Because you know, I did have a couple of years. What a little more than,
Jess Dewell 08:45
Hey, we got to have those two.
Announcer 08:50
You were listening to the Bold Business Podcast. We will return to the show soon. But first, I want to take a moment and give you a peek into what additional services and solutions you could access to Fast Track Your Business. This program was created to develop your capacity on demand by sharing insights, tips, as well as lessons learned by business leaders, unedited and uncut. And we don’t just stop there. There are three additional benefits to help you reach your growth goals. You will also have unlimited access to one, hearing tips and insights to develop yourself as a leader to get better results more often. Two, experiencing viewpoints from many different business leaders. Three, receiving frameworks to build core competencies and to more effectively focus on business growth and leadership. Altogether, The Fast Track Your Business program will allow you to face uncertainty, anytime, anywhere. You can access what will become your most versatile tool in your toolkit by going to FastTrackYou Now back to Jess.
Jess Dewell 09:54
Okay, well so let’s talk about that. Here’s one of the things having a structure having a framework to work within the law actually allows us to know, when we’re bumping up against the edges, or when we get too rigid almost. And what I hear you talking about is this, like this free flow place of, of course, go to the game and have a drink, of course, eat a little differently, of course, stay up later once in a while. Because while we do the best we can day to day, each of those little bests actually averaged out to the days if we reflect when we’re a little like, well, we didn’t do our best yesterday. And that’s okay. Right?
Sri Chellappa 10:37
You can beat up yourself for that. And that’s another thing I’ve realized, for myself, I used to beat myself up if I didn’t do certain things, or whatever. And I realized, I got to be kind to myself, you know, being incredibly kind to yourself, because you are crying, it’s not from lack of training, you are trying and occasionally, you know, you are allowed to, you know, eat a piece of cake and, or go out and have a few drinks with your friends and, you know, things like that, right. So all go to a concert and enjoy the concert you want till midnight and enjoy our party or whatever that is right. Or, or sleeping on a Sunday or, or whatever. So I think those things are perfectly fine. As long as you know that those are not your daily routine. That’s an exception you’re making because you are trying to be, you know, be kind to yourself, just don’t beat up yourself for that.
Jess Dewell 11:22
Yeah. And I think it’s important to start there because we do tend to in general, I mean, there’s a whole gigantic billions of dollars of industry of self-help, that are reminding us on a regular basis that, Hey, be kinder to ourselves, hey, our mindsets matter. And when we can truly embrace that, which it sounds like you have that I have this ideal, I work toward it, I might get it, whatever the percentage of time I get it, and that’s okay. And it’s okay because here’s what the rest of my life needs right now. Now, that can easily become what I call comfortable chairs. It’s okay that I’m not reaching this ideal. It’s okay, that I went out the last three nights and I haven’t gotten enough sleep. Because I also had to wake up early since I planned some early meetings, for example, when that becomes the habit and you’ve gotten comfortable chair. There’s this concept of well, we got to get how do you, how do you see it in yourself? That maybe somebody else could learn from right? How do you catch your own places of comfort?
Sri Chellappa 12:29
Well, if that becomes your status quo, then there’s a problem, right? It’s an exception, not the rule. So if I see that becoming a pattern, then I, you have to stop yourself in the track, take a timeout, and reevaluate. What is it that you’re doing that is causing you to deviate from your ideal goal of having this a good having a good day? Which is these three things I mentioned? Right? For me anyway. And so I look back and say, Okay, here’s what I’m doing wrong? You know, I’m probably having a couple of beers every night, and I’m staying up too late watching Netflix, or HBO, or whatever. So, and then I gotta ask, Why am I doing that? Yeah, right. Yeah, it’s not just enough to know that you’re doing it, you need to know why you’re doing it because you got to remove that causal factor that’s actually causing you to do that. So why is it doing that? It’s faulty? Is it because I’m having a really tough day, and I just want to chill and, you know, have a nightcap and watch Netflix? Or is it something else? And if that is the reason, what can I change about that day, for a day? That doesn’t that lead me to that? What can I substitute that? Maybe I can substitute that with some long walks in the evening, or, you know, just to complete off electronics time, right? Because that’s really good. The stressors to take, turn everything off? Leave your phone, on your kitchen table and go for a lot, right? So things like that. So you can try to figure out why you’re doing what you’re doing. And then and only you can answer that nobody can answer for you, you know, you can go and listen to even this podcast and say, Hey, this is what I’m gonna do, because it’s not, you know, we are different people and different routines and different types of stressors and family environment and physical environments, you know, and financial environments. They’re all different, right? So I think you’ve got to ask yourself, and really dig deep into why am I doing that? And then assess, what can you change about it to move forward? So I think the self-awareness part I think a lot of people miss because they like, Oh, I just had a tough day. I just had a really tough day, every day, then really take a time out. Figure out what’s going on. What can you change about it? I mean, maybe there’s not a whole lot you can say, I don’t know, you know, I think.
Jess Dewell 14:41
No, there’s I think there is and I’ll give you an example because just as we’re talking, I’m doing a reflection in my mind. And I was like why was I up at 430 this morning? I know I’m excited to talk to Shri but it’s 430 is a little early even for me. And it turned out when And so I’m like, oh, to your point, I slept good. I have an aura ring and my aura ring goes, you got Oh, you got like an hour and a half of super deep sleep last night. So it’s not that you optimize better turns out for me. And I was like, Oh, that’s it. I was having a, I had a stressful day yesterday and I knew it. So I drink more caffeine than I normally would have. I had a black tea after lunch. And that will make me wake up early the next day, the way my body metabolizes, and so now here I am, like, oh, so I’m up early because of the weird caffeine I had yesterday. Instead of not being able to go to sleep, it hits me slightly different. But then I’m like, oh, yeah, yeah. Okay. And the reason because I had a stressful day. The reason I was drinking the black teas was so I didn’t need any extra cookies. That was really what right? That was really the whole purpose. the why behind the why, the why behind the why, yeah. So I’m like, okay, so I didn’t have the cookies. But I did have caffeine. And I woke up really early this morning. And is that okay? For one day? Sure. But today, caffeine has got to stop at lunchtime. And, and to your point, though, and so for everybody listening in, think about that, and to what you just said Sri, the why behind the why, behind the why. And that was something that I’m like, well, I already knew that. So it was easy to recognize it because I’d already done some of that work. And so maybe you won’t notice anything for a week or two weeks. But if you did do it, are you saying you know, like, do a check-in everyday thing and just see.
Sri Chellappa 16:32
And maybe, you know, for some people, and like I said, for me, it’s that sleep? Balance. Some people it might be relationships, right? That’s causing distress, you know, maybe it’s you’re talking to you’re in a toxic relationship, or maybe in a very stressful relationship, whether it’s your, with your spouse, or your kids or your brother or sister or whatever that is. That’s what’s causing it. And unfortunately, for me, that’s not there in my life anymore. I’ve had it in the past, but, you know, I think you just kind of know, you really dig deep into knowledge, and maybe sometimes that’s why you go to a therapist, you know?
Jess Dewell 17:06
Sri Chellappa 17:07
I’m a big fear solution.
Jess Dewell 17:09
I’m a big believer. And you know, I actually think anytime you have people together it’s not a replacement for therapy ever. And I’m a big believer in when you need help, or you want to find something out and get your own blind spot, go talk to somebody, I’m a big believer in that. Because I think that there, there’s something to be said for knowing how we show up as an individual. So that when we go to these groups, so that when we so we can actually be part of a high-functioning team. So really, my setup and some of the stuff, Sree was all about getting to this concept of we all want better performing teams, we all want high-performance teams. And one of the things I hear you saying is that us as an individual is important to that. And I say that all the time.
Sri Chellappa 17:52
It’s like, the best analogy is, you know, what is it flight attendant tell you about the oxygen mask, but don’t put on your mask first before you put it on your kid or significant other. Right? And that’s the same thing. If you are not well, physically, emotionally, mentally, or whatever, yeah, Lee, you need to be well, you can run a successful team, you know, maybe you can’t, but you will drive them to the ground, you know, and you’ll have retention issues, you’ll have, you know, issues with engagement, you have issues with productivity, there’ll be all kinds of, you know, challenges that you might have in your teams. So you got to take care of yourself first to do, to do that.
Jess Dewell 18:33
Absolutely. You know, one of the things I found, I am not a therapist, however, I do hear a lot of things in the work that I do when I’m working with leadership teams about the stresses that are happening in work. And I will sometimes ask the question, well, so what’s going on with that over there? Sure enough, there’s a similarity. And so if we have a stressor that like in my case, I’ll just use me as an example if I have a stressor at home that makes me want to eat cookies, and I’m taking care of that whatever the is causing the stress and that is probably also present when things don’t go the way that I want them to I read direction. And I have to be really astute, really open and honest and actually sometimes it’s not unkind but it’s like the best kind of kind because it’s that I got to tell you like it is just when I need to almost talk to yourself let me just tell you like it is when this relationship blows up or there is stress over here or we’re not getting what we want engagement sales new our sales funnel is declining whatever the case may be understanding the why behind, the why behind the why usually has a counterpart someplace else in our life. It may not be a relationship, but it might be in our sleep for example, it right it might be in where are we spending our time and energy when we’re not there? Are they how, are they how can we use one to inform the other?
Sri Chellappa 19:59
Yes, cool. really agree. So it’s a good question to ask, you know, I think you have to see, let me back up a little bit. To have high-performance, highly engaged teams, one of the things that I feel is critical is a clear sense of direction, and purpose that you can give to your teams. Yes. To have that you need to have clarity in your mind on what you want to accomplish as an organization or as a team leader. Yes, you have that clarity, you need to have a clear mind, where you’ve distilled all the noise around you. And said, with all the noise, internal factors, external factors, your organization’s capabilities, your financial condition, the market, whatever that is, whether it’s a nonprofit, or film or startup, or a large organization, you got to look at enhanced clarity. And I think you want you’re not going to have that very well. If you’re not, you’re if you’re not sharp, and high functioning, right. And some people are naturally can function for our sleep, and eat pizza every night. And still function. Well. Sure there are those people, I am not one of them. And most people are not to be right. They might lie to themselves and say, Yes, I can, I can drink for, you know, whiskey tonight, and still be great the next day, and I don’t skip lunch, I’ll skip. And I’ll eat a huge dinner and, you know, do the same thing all over again. I mean, maybe your superhero, but I doubt it. But, but I think that if you have that cloud, you know, you can provide that clarity, he can communicate clearly to your teams. And you can align them to be that you know, so what will happen is you’ll say one thing in the morning, it will not be fully be baked idea, the half baked idea because you just thought of that. And then by afternoon, you shift your direction, you tell them something else. And that happens a lot in a lot of bad managers actually do that. They’ll come and, you know,
Jess Dewell 22:08
I was I used to.
Sri Chellappa 22:12
Yeah, they would create more chaos, right? And then the, and then they leave the room. And then people are like, what are we supposed to do? You know, he asked me to do these three things. But yesterday, he said something else. And tomorrow, it could be something else, you know. So I think that’s if you want to avoid that you need to be in a better physical and mental state to be able to provide a clarity.
Jess Dewell 22:33
I would agree with that completely. And, and, and also understanding your energy because I am a generator. In general, you stick me in a room, you let me observe, I’m going to have a whole bunch of things that come up. The people in the room with me, that are the torch bearers, they carry that torch and have the responsibility for the vision for that organization. I can tell how clear they are by how they respond to all my ideas, because I know I’ll be lucky if I get one good one in a handful for a group for a leadership team, right? And I know that about myself, so I actually will temper that because if they’re like, Oh, yes, oh, yes. Oh, yes. I’m like, Okay, I can’t generate any more. We have different work to do here. Because every idea cannot be a good idea. Because it creates competing priorities. And that’s what you were just talking about, is if I’m supposed to do one thing, and then the direction seems to change or something else now is as important. Well, I can’t do it all. What do I do? And I know that that can be really confusing. And, and that’s actually something by the way, that could also come back to, to, in your case, what you prioritize as sleep diet and exercise is that if that’s happening to you in the moment, it’s like, oh, well, where else? Am I doing that to myself? I’m going to I’m going to one. I’m wondering if there might be a correlation that way. Right. That’s a boundary issue almost.
Sri Chellappa 24:00
Yeah. Yeah. I completely agree. So I mean, if you, if you are not providing that level of clarity, you know, you’re going to confuse you. So that’s basically what I will answer.
Jess Dewell 24:12
Yeah, hands down. Have you Okay, so in your business, right, and engagingly, you’ve done a lot of things. You’ve worked with a lot of teams, as the, as the torchbearer the holder of that vision for your team at engagingly. Has there been a time that, that you were like, oh, all of this stuff is happening. I realize I’m not as clear as I need to be.
Sri Chellappa 24:41
Yeah, it happened during the pandemic. You know, I would say that during the pandemic, we got hurt somewhat not, not as badly as many company we were still growing. Still grew better than most startups did. At that point. We didn’t layoff anybody We still ended up hiring more people independently. But I realized that our numbers were not going the direction either we are committed ourselves to. And I had to step back and say, What are we what are we doing wrong and still continue down that path? You know, casting some of my team members if you will. And then six months, nine months later, I had to reevaluate all of that, because we were running low on cash, and then we were like, this is gonna go south, quickly, I’ll have to lay up a lot of people. And that’s not fun. You know? No, that’s not fun. Because our budget, our budget, on the expense side was on target. Yeah, revenue was on target. The lines were getting the crossover pretty badly. So. So that was some of the period where I had to really step back, you know, and look at the data. See, whereas there were things going wrong, why everything’s going wrong, I can blame everything on the pandemic, there was something else going on, in the business that I had missed. Clearly, I’d missed, you know, because I can blame pandemic all day long. But there were other companies in my space, who were, who were doing better than us. And I have to say, the big and do better than us. Why are we not doing well? And it cannot be just, like I said, pandemic, it can be also because there is a bunch of funding. Yeah, that couldn’t explain it. To me, in my head, I started thinking about a case will be funding maybe just said, just throwing money at the problem. I was like, No, that doesn’t answer the question for me. So I had to look back and realize that we had actually screwed up on some of our initiatives because I had not paid enough attention to it. To catch up, I mean, no, no, I know, I had delegated it, but then I didn’t catch it. So I had to take some action. That really woke me up to some extent, to look at the data more closely. And also know which data to look at, you know, the go-to the why behind the why, yes. And that, I changed my lifestyle behavior to the time to start working out every day started making prioritizing sleep, like, like I said earlier, I basically quit drinking alcohol for four months straight. And all of that really helped me reset some of the physical or mental stability aspect of it, but also be able to focus on this because I started taking on more on my plate to go and in turn solve the problem. And we did. So that was great. And we did pretty well after that and ended up closing a CD, say in February and this year. You know, and I think we’re doing a fairly well, at this point. So yeah, but so the last part was, you know.
Jess Dewell 27:38
Always problems, there’s always problems to solve, those never go away, you know, this concept of being able to delegate and stay connected, being able to have what it takes to, to really understand and know, where we’re putting our focus in, in a company, I really think is so important. Because the roles that we play, right the roles that you’re playing the roles that you’re required to, to follow and be and do have so much ambiguity. I mean, there’s external uncertainty all the time, even though inside there’s a lot of ambiguity. And when we lack mental sharpness, I really like that I’m going to use that as a phrase probably for the rest of our show today, because you use that we have to be mentally sharp. Yes, the more ambiguity we deal with, the more our brain needs to be able to sort through sift through, show up. And we’re all human. And we don’t all do that very well all the time. And so anything that we can to have that sharpness, really helps us improve. And that’s what I heard you say, we stopped, I stopped and I paused. I really took a look at the data, I figured out which dad I wasn’t looking at well, or I could have looked at differently, especially since I have indicators that we should be doing better than we are. And we’re not. And I know I just use the word should and some of my listeners will go there. And I’m like, well guess what? A shoot is an opportunity to improve I think.
Sri Chellappa 29:13
In this case, always opportunity to improve always. Yeah. My personal opinion is if you’re not learning and growing, whether it’s your business or yourself or your whatever. Then you’re either you’re dying. If you’re not learning and growing, you’re dying. You’re dying every day a little bit anyway, so try to make the best. Yeah.
Jess Dewell 29:34
And so one, okay, so for everybody who’s listening, those of you who are part of the Fast Track Your Business today program, go over to your TrueNorth dashboard here, the rest of this and it’s uncut, full version. Shree has so much more to tell us we’re going to be talking about international teams. We’re going to be talking about what makes up high performance in a physically dispersed location. We’re going to continue to weave in this concept of Quit burning the candle at both ends all the time concept and really understand and dive into this mental sharpness and what it takes because the success that Sri has had at engagingly is something that you’re going to want to hear. And I know I’m excited to hear. And so stop back by if you have any questions, drop us an email radio at Red Don’t forget to subscribe and listen to the podcast the Bold Business Podcast at Red
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