Starting the conversation: Discover the power of self-awareness and intentional relationships to drive growth. The key is taking initiatives steeped in openness and honesty for real connection with real potential. Grace Gavin, Co-Founder at Know Honesty, shares how being intentional creates more opportunity for success. Making a commitment to be present and on purpose with […]
Best Leaders Add Value to Their Team and Business
You need to show up the way you want to and for what is best in each situation. The discipline necessary comes with navigating each day.
Being BOLD in 2022: What’s Next for Business
Starting the conversation: Jess Dewell is live to talk about the risks you face in your business growth. Use a framework, like the Present Retreat, to better understand how our actions now shape the next quarter and the next year. More time is necessary to engage with your strategic plan regularly. Joining her […]
Emotional Resilience in a World of Burnout
Starting the conversation: Emotional resilience is made up of self-awareness, persistence, emotional control, and the ability to flex. These are elements of Dimensional Leadership: leading your company forward and being comfortable outside your comfort zone. Listen in to hear insights about building self-trust, using a moral compass, and getting uncomfortable. Host: Jess […]
Adaptability: The New Competitive Advantage
When we continue to create value, solve the right problems at the right time, and be present leaders, our competitive advantage is strengthened and we build internal organizational resilience.
UNCHARTED: Strive for Even More Focus
In this interview Hector Simoudis, Cofounder of eLearning Partners (formerly VP Legacies), shares insight into the journey of making product changes and rebranding.
UNCHARTED: Inside A Business Pivot
Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation: What does pivot really mean? With a wide range of meanings, pivot can secretly be shiny-object syndrome, necessary because […]
Present Retreat Equates to Business Performance (LIVE)
Facing uncertainty can be challenging – being a business owner facing uncertainty is tougher. Red Direction helps you [fast track and] grow your business – authentically, pragmatically, and resiliently. Start your journey HERE! Starting the conversation… Your ability to carve out and protect time to actively engage with your growth strategy every week improves business […]