The delivery model of your product influences margins and the ability to scale.
If you want to achieve organizational goals, you better prepare for some serious planning and be patient. An effective delivery model is about strategic management, and steps necessary to reach your goals across an extended range of time.
The effectiveness of your business is about the prudent use of all resources. However, use is directly linked to the strength of your vision, combined with adapting to take advantage of the right opportunities. Measuring the effectiveness of your business’ model is essential for good management, decision making, and a holistic approach to customer experience.
In reality, measuring your delivery model is not an exact science. There are variables related to competitive advantage and longer-term goals. Financials are important and inform, yet, factors outside of our control also influence delivery models.
Red Direction tapped ten business leaders to share their top tips on how to create an effective business delivery model.
“When assessing the effectiveness of your business delivery model, customer satisfaction should be among the priorities as a reflection of quality, relevance and meeting the needs of the customer.” – Alex Danzberger: President, A Harris & Associates LLC
“There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Now, help each other doesn’t mean doing it for free. But it does mean to be there to support each other. Because when we survive, we all survive. And so it’s in our best interest to help each other.” – Jade Alexander: Co-Owner (& RockStar) of Synergy Videography
“For my biz the product is a service so it is all about the customer experience. Automation of the process with a human touch is the cornerstone to scalability. I have been implementing SIMPRO and am almost around the corner on it. I am discovering how important it is to communicate expectations on the front end in order to win the job and ensure execution flows smoothly as we move the customer through our processes. – Erik Holmberg: Chief Executive Officer at Windward Construction LLC/ Windward Solar
“Everybody has a unique purpose, how we are meant to make a difference in the world. I will constantly evolve my work because purpose keeps calling me.” – Jayne Sanders: Purpose Coach, Master Scientific Hand Analyst, Speaker
“There is a lot that comes between an idea and making it come to fruition. It’s what you do with your discretionary time that determines your success or failure.” – Dr. Richard Liposky: President and CEO, Dental Specialists of America LLC
“One of my mentors told me: I don’t go into meetings prepared; I know my ability to problem solve, and I know that we as a team will resolve it. I don’t come with the answer – we will get the answer together.” – Andrew Jenkins: Managing Director, PDx Consulting Ltd
“Having an effective delivery model requires that your team is effective.” – Ian Peterman: CEO, Peterman Design firm
“Sales is the thing that lets you know what works and what doesn’t work inside of your business.” – Laura Wright: Master Coach, Epic at Sales
“You have to be studying your company, know your own market, understand the nature of the business, and look for opportunity.” – Matt Sweetwood: CEO Luxnow
“Putting your attention on what is and what can be mitigates risk and identifies the right opportunities to achieve effectiveness.” – Jess Dewell: Red Direction, Operations and Strategy
As an additional reading material, we suggest following articles:
5 Brilliant Tips to Build a Scalable Business Model – by Bridge Global
10 Popular Business Models for B2B & B2C Startups with Pricing Tips – by Startup DevKit
4 Things To Consider When Changing Your Business Model – by Stephanie Burns, Forbes
We hope these publications, and advice from our featured business leaders will help you create an effective business delivery model.
Still feel like you need a bit of help with some business direction on this topic? Then ACT to Plan by contacting me for a 30-Minute Unstuck Quick Consult. We’ll discuss your aims, where you are, and where you should be to move deliberately toward your team-building goals!