Share Your Priorities

Share Your Priorities (LIVE)

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Starting the conversation…

Should you talk more about your priorities?
If we don’t know what we want, how do we develop impactful solutions and make more good decisions?

Host: Jess Dewell

What You Will Hear:

What we value reflects our priorities.

Time management can only take us so far, and sometimes even in our best effort that effort fall apart.

Actively engage with your time management to accurately reflect your priorities.

Expand capacity to allow for the unexpected.

Know what you value. Look at your actions. Examine where values and action align.

Talking about priorities creates opportunities to build highly functional teams over time.

Jess’ value of elegance: how it shows up in thought, action, and the way it shows up in Red Direction.

Red Direction’s value of advocate: how we show up with our values to be advocates.

Interactions shift and change with the individual capacity of people on the team.

Shift and adapt to support each other – especially when one priority causes others to lag for a period of time.

Reverse engineer to find out what you are prioritizing and the values those actions represent.

Audience Question: I’m in an industry where everything moves really fast, and deadlines set the priorities, but often several deadlines happen to be close to each other – so how do I set priorities in that situation?

Look at our actions and change them to match priorities.

Introduction to Weave Value Course: Know what you value and know are we doing the right thing in the right place right now.

The 6 steps to be clear on your values.

Friction and dissonance are part of personal growth – and still, the work will fit into your values.

Let what continues not to work go after you’ve shown up and done what you can (without taking on or doing it all).

Live Audience Question:  In what ways I can communicate better with the team I work with, to let the people know and understand that priorities need to be shared?

Live Audience Question: How do you see the connection between priorities, sharing them, and delegating?

Audience Question: The way you speak about sharing priorities make me think about strategy. What is your advice for aligning strategy with priorities?

It is BOLD to talk about your priorities.

Notable and Quotable:

Quotes_219_Jess Dewell, leadership tips, productivity tips, priorities

Jess Dewell 9:02
This concept of time management only gets us so far. We have to combine that with what is actually a priority in our life.

Jess Dewell 10:46
What we do is what we value at that time, and what we value at a point in time is what we prioritize.

Jess Dewell 12:10
When two different viewpoints are able to talk together, over time they learn how to better work together. They learn how to interact together without just having to keep their head down and do their job. We’re creating something of teamwork. We’re creating something of a functional team. More than a functional team. A highly functional team.

Jess Dewell 16:13
When we’re able to receive the questions, we can understand how somebody else might be on a different path. Or when there’s friction, we can understand what point of view they’re coming from, and where the gap is to help them get into the realm that we are in. And sometimes by the way, it’s the other way around. They’re on the right track. We are not. and by having the conversation and being open, we can understand the gap and move toward them.

Jess Dewell 16:57
Prioritizing is putting your mission into your decision-making process and is a way to take action toward having a cohesive, high-functioning team.

Jess Dewell 20:57
Be specific for yourself. Embrace the way that you do you, because the way you do you is the way you lead.

Jess Dewell 21:14
You are leading by example, every single day. And so this concept about understanding what you prioritize and the results of it matter.

Jess Dewell 25:26
When we talk about our priorities, we’re talking about what we value. We’re actually looking at what we are doing because it is what we value. So what we think we value and what we actually value in the moment through our actions could be different, and this influences and changes and impacts how we prioritize.

Jess Dewell 25:57
When everything is a priority, what’s the driving factor behind that?

Jess Dewell 27:08
When we’re out of alignment, let’s get real. And let’s say hey, what do we want? And the good news is in an organization that is open and already using their vision, and already has a growth strategy in place? Well guess what? We just go back to that.

Quotes_219_Jess Dewell, leadership tips, strategy, business growth

Jess Dewell 39:41
If we don’t know what we value, we’re impacting and making everybody around us weaker.

Jess Dewell 39:51
Because when we show up for ourselves, we can lift up everybody around us. And we can be strong and work and support everybody else around us.

Jess Dewell 42:20
I want to see myself achieve. And through that other people will get to see me achieve.

Jess Dewell 46:10
Don’t delegate. You can’t delegate prioritization. You can only invite other people to prioritize with you. So delegating is not a connection, at all.



communication, awareness, prioritization, growth strategy, personal development, highly functional team, dimensional leadership

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