VBB_207 Leverage Time

Leverage Time

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Starting the conversation…

How do you increase your organization’s resilience by leveraging time?

Host: Jess Dewell

What You Will Hear:

Four common avenues used for growth strategy.

Communication for creating shared meaning.

Communication for achieving growth.

What we prioritize is what we value.

Align actions and tasks to company values and growth strategy.

Audience Question: I keep on adapting and compromising because I try to be accountable for my efforts (including time management) I feel abused because I’m the one that always takes responsibility. So what actions I can take to change this current situation?

Live Audience Question: How do we avoid traps that comes from leveraging time efficiently without negatively affecting sustainable business growth?

Decide what’s not working.

Independence at every level.

Three executive soft skills developed by slowing down and taking more time to engage with growth.

Live Audience Question: Does business growth have to include innovation and does fast growth stifle innovation?

What makes it BOLD to carve out more time in such a busy world?

Notable and Quotable:

program 207 Jess Dewell - Leverage Time

Jess Dewell 2:01
We’re still in this place where what we do with our time when it comes to business impacts our competitive advantage. It impacts the way that we lead., and it impacts the ability for us to navigate unexpected and difficult and challenging situations along the way,

Jess Dewell 2:42
In the end, we have to have a mindset of resiliency. And this resilient mindset is what’s going to allow us to jump, respond versus react, and be able to create time when they’re seemingly no time, so that we can do what we want to do the way we want to do it, with the best integrity possible. Even if it’s not necessarily the result we were looking for, we can use what happened, use the results that we get, to move forward in an effective fashion.

Jess Dewell 3:11
So we’re going to start with the Ansoff matrix. Four ways that Ansoff described company’s growing include: market penetration, product development, market development, and diversification. We’re talking about growth strategy. We’re talking about, how do we want our company to grow? When we know our mission, and we know the values with which we are working together, it’s easier to decide how to wait and prioritize what we want our growth strategy to be.

Jess Dewell 3:55
There are many companies that have a business, that does business, and has clients, and has a pipeline, and it’s making money, yet there’s no specific growth strategy. And so being able to look at what you have and saying, “Well this is my growth strategy because this is how we do business today,” is a really important piece.

Jess Dewell 6:55
You know what you need to do in your role to succeed well today. My question becomes, “Do you know what goes well and what you need to do to be in the role that you want tomorrow?” The way you communicate in your role to do a good job with the focus on where you’re going tomorrow looks different than if you just do your job extremely well for the role that you’re in.

Jess Dewell 8:05
The purpose of communicating is to create shared meaning. When I know what I want, and you know what you want, and we’re able to talk about it together in such a way that allows us to not only understand each other, but understand how each other’s actions, thoughts, move us toward that goal, that growth that we are seeking, the better off our company is. The better off I am. In that combination and the better off you and I are together in that combination. Because it’s through shared meaning, the way we do our work together, that makes us more efficient. So right off the bat, the investment of time that it takes to create shared meaning and decide how we work together here, what that looks like, and the ways that it shows up are huge piece of leveraging time. It may not be an immediate win, but it’s going to be a long-term win because when the team does it, everything is amplified.

program 207 Jess Dewell - Leverage Time

Jess Dewell 9:30
Maybe we’re not a leader, but we can be, because we know we’re leading our own actions. We’re leading where we’re at right now, where we want to go, and the way we can do it best, aligning our actions and our objectives personally with the company ones that we have been given.

Jess Dewell 13:08
We all in some capacity struggle with the want and desire to be liked by everybody. Well here’s the thing, when we know our growth strategy, we want to know and be liked by everybody in the bucket that we can serve, instead of everybody in the world. So we still have the capacity to grow and expand, yet we have the freedom to not worry about everybody, only to people that we can serve and how can we serve them the best possible way. There is freedom in closing it down, not being everything to all people. And if we’re not talking to each other within our organizations about our growth, we’re probably tending toward, and in my experience and seeing in companies, definitely spreading a little too thin. Are y’all in? And if you’re all in, then what?

Jess Dewell 16:59
The actions that we take prioritize what we value. That’s just really what it comes down to.

Jess Dewell 17:51
When we can align what we value, to the actions that we take, and the actions that we take align to our growth strategy we now have, have our own unique recipe to leverage time and get the results that we want within that time.

Jess Dewell 24:07
The ability to leverage time is not only the science of time management and the skill of time management, it is also the skill of prioritization, and prioritizing the tasks to do.

Jess Dewell 34:44
To leverage our time is to be able to say, “That’s not working.” Just like being able to leverage your time is to say, “Nope, that opportunity sounds awesome. It’s outside of the scope of what we’re focused on.”

Jess Dewell 37:44
We can talk ourselves out of things very easily. The thing is, we can also talk ourselves into things without looking at the risk. Protected time is a way to evaluate opportunities in that capacity.

Jess Dewell 50:49
It’s bold, to carve out time. It’s bold, to protect that time, and to think about everything in relationship of leveraging our time by what’s in and out of our growth strategy. What’s in and out of our revenue goals. And what’s in and out of the actions to get us to our revenue goals to achieve our growth strategy. Because not very many people do it, it is a place where we make more time when we carve out time, and we protect it for something incredibly important. And this present retreat is where we evaluate, where we dream, where we do, what we do in the way that we do it, and we can find out what could we be doing better. And what are the bigger pieces in terms of communication. In terms of solidifying growth strategy. In terms of strategic partnerships to make sure that we’re on track to achieve our growth strategy, which is something that is going to happen over the course of three years, five years and beyond.


Ansoff Growth Matrix


growth strategy, observation, confidence, prioritization, present retreat, shared meaning, communication, value, company values

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